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As a Kyäni Independent Business Partner, often you are the first contact someone has with Kyäni. As such we ask that you leave a good impression and avoid any discourteous or misleading conduct. (P&Ps 3.b.).

In your dealings with potential customers or business partners, you should clearly identify yourself as an Independent Business Partner. This includes on business cards, networking sites, paid-internet ads, social media accounts, blogs and personal websites. If a Kyäni logo is used, it should be an official Independent Business Partner logo. (3.dd, 3.m)

Any use of the name “Kyäni” or any of our products used in email addresses, social media or domain names should be followed immediately by “distributor”, “dist,” “indist” or “team” immediately after trademarked name. (3.j, 3.l, 3.m)

LinkedIn MemberStockholm Sales Lead at Kyäni
Independent Business Partner at KyäniKyani France
Independent Contractor at Kyäni 
Kyäni Team Berlin@KyaniMillionaires
Kyäni Nitro Business Partner@KyaniSunsetZzzzz
TeamMoreHealth@hotmail.comSenior Executive Diamond at Kyäni 

For more information, check out Policies & Procedures sections 3.b, 3.j-3.m, & 3.dd.

Kyäni does its best to protect distributors from conflicts which may damage or undermine team unity. To this end, Kyäni strongly discourages any arrangement between Independent Distributors which may create indebtedness. (P&Ps 10.d.)

This could take on several forms including:
  • Paying for another distributor’s hotel room, airfare, taxi, or car rental.
  • Co-signing on a car, home, studio, office space.
  • Buying in bulk to ship to a country where Kyäni is not open. This also violates other policies.
  • Pressuring someone to buy more event tickets than they cannot possibly use or resell.
For your protection, these are expressly prohibited:
  • Giving your credit card number to another distributor to make purchases on the Kyäni shop. If another distributor is encouraging these purchases to reach rank, you would also be aiding in a §3.q. bonus buying violation.
  • Paying for new distributor’s enrollment packs.
  • Sharing your password for any reason (3.v.2.ii.).
  • Enrolling minors. (3.ii.)
Your Rights
  • If you only have checks or cash, you can still purchase product by sending a check or money order to Kyäni. If you live close to an office, you can pick up product and pay with cash.
  • For credit card orders, Kyäni will only refund the card used to purchase product.

    10.d. Restrictions on Third Party Use of Credit Cards and Checking Account Access: In order to preserve the independence of Kyäni Distributors and to preserve the integrity of the Company’s compensation plan, Kyäni discourages any arrangement between the independent Distributors creating indebtedness between them, and Distributors are expressly prohibited from using a Distributor’s credit card or permitting debits to a Distributor’s checking account to enroll or sponsor other Distributors, or to make purchases from the Company on behalf of another Distributor.

As an Independent Business Partner (IBP), you have the opportunity to build your own business. Your attitude and actions will attract people who are like you and can help you succeed. As you look around your team, and other Kyäni IBPs, you will note that they are doing the same. In network marketing, the success of one IBP can inspire your team to reach higher goals. Likewise, negative talk regarding IBPs, the business, products, or compensation plan can have the opposite effect.

Kyäni encourages IBPs to work professionally with one another. If there is a disagreement between IBPs, it should be handled respectfully between the partners. There are often two sides to every story, and dragging the names of others through the mud to other IBPs or the public can cause irreparable damage not only to the relationship with the person being disparaged, but to those that hear the disparaging comments. These comments can sour the field, and slow down momentum for sales.

In fact, negative talk about Kyäni or another IBP is expressly against our Policies. For more information see Policies & Procedures 4.d.

As always, if you are witness behavior which is a violation of the Kyäni Business Partner Agreement, which includes our Policies & Procedures, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of compliance at

International Markets

As a worldwide organization, Kyäni offers business opportunities in over 60 countries and territories. If you choose to operate your business beyond your own geographic boarders, you are responsible to understand and adhere to the foreign laws and policies. Please be aware that each country’s government has different regulations regarding authorized health and income claims, taxes, and marketing.

In addition Kyäni’s own operations regarding return policies, paid internet ads, etc. change from market to market. You can access the policies from every market by signing into BackOffice, clicking downloads, and changing the dropdown market tab.

Unopened Markets

Business Partners may only operate in officially opened markets. (P&Ps 3.j.3.) If IBPs violate this policy and/or foreign laws, this can create issues that make it impossible for Kyäni to open the market. Kyäni holds IBPs are personally liable for any unauthorized operations. As such IBPs could be required to refund enrollees, be subject to Kyäni disciplinary action, and in some instances may be subject to local judicial actions ranging from monetary fines to imprisonment. For more information see Policies & Procedures 3.d., 3.j.3. 4.b., & 8.a.

For Changes of Genealogy within the first 10 days a Sponsor may request to make a change without a form. This can be a change of Sponsorship or Placement. In order to make this change the sponsor must email Kyäni at via the Sponsor’s email on file. Alternatively, the Sponsor may submit this request through their own Back Office under Enrollment > Holding Tank > Move Request (Initial 10 days).

After 10 days but within the 30 days of enrollment, a Change of Genealogy form can be used to make 1 Sponsor or Placement change free of charge. The request must be submitted with a completed Change of Genealogy form completely filled out and signed by the Independent Business Partner (IBP) being moved, the current upline IBP and new upline IBP. All IBPs affected will be required to approve the form. Kyäni will contact any IBP required to approve the change. If any of the required upline IBPs do not agree, the change will not be made.

Please note that any volumes associated with a Change of Genealogy move will not be counted for the new upline IBPs for certain bonuses and promotions (e.g. Fast Start, Dream Car Program).

After 30 days no Changes of Genealogy are permitted by the Policies. Exceptions to this Rule are rare and virtually never granted

Unauthorized sellers on marketplaces are detrimental to your Kyäni business. In order to preserve Kyäni brand value, it is important for you as an Independent Business Partner (IBP) to train your team and prospects that sales outside of the official Kyäni Shop are not permitted by the company (P&P 3.j).

Please be aware that products purchased outside of the official Kyäni Shop are not eligible for our Money Back Guarantee, nor ensure the freshness and safety that Kyäni offers with products shipped directly from our warehouse.

Unauthorized Websites (including but not limited to):

  • eBay
  • Amazon
  • Facebook
  • Craigslist
  • OfferUp
  • Alibaba
  • OfferUp
  • eBid
  • Kijiji
  • Lazada
  • 11street
  • Plus similar online platforms

You are encouraged to report unauthorized sales to our Compliance Team at:

As a Kyäni Independent Business Partner (IBP), you are given access to the Back Office with tools to assist you in operating a successful business. The Back Office is password protected intended solely for the individual or entity of the account. Sharing passwords with your Sponsor, team members or other individuals not registered on your account is strictly prohibited (P&P 3.v.2.ii). If you have shared your password, please log into your Back Office and change it immediately. Please note, you are responsible for any activity performed through your Back Office.

How do I change my password?

Step 1: Log into Back Office
Step 2: Click on the settings logo
Step 3: Click on “Change Password”

Security Tips:
  1. Create a strong and unique password
  2. Do not use the same password for multiple internet accounts
  3. If you write the password down, store it in a secure place
  4. Don’t say your password out loud
  5. Don’t share your password with anyone

A Change of Ownership (COO) is the sale, transfer or assignment of a Kyäni business. Changes of Ownership are subject to approval or rejection by Kyäni in its sole and absolute discretion. Once the COO is completed, the new owner of the account agrees to assume all rights, responsibilities, and liabilities associated with the position. Please note that a COO is not effective until approved by Kyäni.

If a Kyäni Independent Business Partner (IBP) wishes to sell/transfer his or her Kyani business, the following criteria must be met (P&P

1) The seller must be in good standing and not in violation of any of the terms of “The Agreement” (P&Ps and T&Cs) in order to be eligible to sell, transfer or assign a Kyäni business.

2) Before the sale, transfer or assignment can be finalized and approved by Kyäni, and any debt obligations the selling IBP has with Kyäni must be satisfied.

3) Upon complete execution of any required purchase and sale agreement, and the new IBP Agreement, the parties must submit copies of the same to Kyäni’s Distributor Services Department for review and approval. Kyäni reserves the right to request additional documentation that may be necessary to analyze the transaction between the buyer and seller. Kyäni’s Distributor Services Department will, in its discretion, approve or deny the sale, transfer or assignment within 30 days after the receipt of all necessary documents from the parties.

4) If the new owner(s) will be a corporation, trust, partnership, or any other type of business entity then the Certificate of Incorporation, Partnership Agreement or trust documents, and any appropriate government documents proving the existence of the business are required to be sent to Kyäni before any changes will be considered or approved.

5) If the parties fail to obtain Kyäni’s approval for the transaction, the transfer may be voidable at Kyäni’s option. If Kyäni approves the transfer the purchaser of the existing Kyäni business will assume the obligations and position of the selling IBP. An IBP who sells his or her Kyäni business shall not be eligible to re-apply as a Kyäni IBP for a period of at least twelve full calendar months after the sale. No changes in line of placement or sponsorship can result from the sale or transfer of a Kyäni business.

6) There will be an Administrative Fee of EUR 200 for all transactions.

Please send all COO requests to our Changes Department at:

Kyäni is taking over social media. There is so much inspiring and informative content available for Kyäni Independent Business Partners (IBP) and product lovers alike, as well as those who have just discovered Kyäni.

As an IBP you are permitted to share content from our official platforms to your own personal online social media accounts (e.g., Facebook). If you share content from our official accounts, please use the “share” button (if applicable) to ensure the information you share with friends and family is accurate. Please make sure the comments you share in conjunction with Kyäni’s visual media are in compliance. Keep in mind that our social media accounts are market specific. If you are unsure that a particular page is “official,” please check with us by sending us the link to

As a reminder:

If Kyäni is to be used in social media, any usernames that have Kyäni in them must contain “Kyänidist,” “Kyäni Distributor,” “Kyäni Independent Business Partner” or “Kyäniteam” in them. No other variations will be accepted. Usernames may not have Kyäni by itself, or any Kyäni specific product or trade names such as “Sunrise,” “Sunset,” “PayGate Accumulator,” etc. All images posted to a social media account that relate to Kyäni products must be officially approved Kyäni images and assets obtained from the Back Office (P&P 3.m).

Not sure where to start? Check out and Like our Facebook page.

Kyäni EU Social Media Platforms:





Once the Independent Business Partner (IBP) Application and Agreement has been accepted by Kyäni, the IBP is eligible to participate in the Kyäni Global Compensation Plan by offering and selling Kyäni’s powerful products. All sales of Kyäni products by IBPs must be at the published price as shown on the Kyäni website on the date of sale (P&P 3.u.6). Products may not be sold for less than the currently published IBP price (P&P 3.j.1 & 5.b). All sales must go through the official Kyäni Shop at:

What should you do if you see Kyäni products being sold for less? Report it immediately to your Compliance Team.

Independent Business Partners (IBP) may display Kyäni products at trade shows and professional expositions (P&P 3.u.5). An IBP must first contact the Compliance Team in writing for conditional approval, as Kyäni’s policy is to authorize only one Kyäni business per event. Approval is given only for the event specified. Any requests to participate in future events must again be submitted to the Compliance Team. In order to preserve its valuable brand, Kyäni further reserves the right to refuse authorization to participate at any function which it does not deem a suitable forum for the promotion of its products or the Kyäni opportunity. Approval will not be given for swap meets, garage sales, flea markets or farmer’s markets as these events are not conducive to the professional image Kyäni wishes to portray.

General rules for events include the following:

You are free to hand out samples, approved brochures, business cards and literature. If you are creating your own promotional material, please note that Compliance and Marketing will have to approve the images and claims. BackOffice’s Business library includes product claims guidelines which outlines claims that IBPs may use with proper disclaimers. Approved images are in your BackOffice in the Field Kit. You won’t be able to SELL product from the booth. You are free to direct potential Customers and IBPs to buy products online and you are free to give them your IBP ID. Please be on your best behavior and work with the requests of the event authorities.

To apply for authorization to run an ad for your business:

  • You must be at least a Qualified Distributor rank.
  • You must be in good standing (3.jj family/affiliate rule applies here).

Fill out the form to run an Internet ad

  • Compliance must approve the URL [link], headline and text before it goes live.
  • The landing page advertised must be a replicated Kyäni site or approved Kyäni Independent Business Partner website (subject to a review fee if it is not a replicated site).

Non-replicated websites

  • Images must be current, and claims must follow the guidelines, including but not limited to sections 3.j. and 3.u. of the Policies & Procedures.
  • The websites must prominently indicate that [specifically named] Independent Business Partner hosts/owns the site.
  • If the applicant is not the owner of the website advertised, both the website owner, and applicant must sign the application.
  • Text of the advertisement may not include any names of countries or territories, diseases, illnesses, unapproved health claims, income claims or the words “official,” “Kyäni Store,” and “30 day money back guaranteed”.
  • Claims must match those published in the official Kyäni literature of the market of the targeted audience.
  • Advertisements may not link to any listing to eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, etc. The only authorized website to purchase products is through the official Kyäni Shop.
  • Independent Business Partner must seek approval for each country they wish to promote their business and website. The advertisement must be compliant in each country it may be used in. Please note that guidelines may vary for each country.
  • Independent Business Partner must not advertise in any country where Kyäni is not officially open for business.

After Approval

  • If compliance asks you to change something in the Ad, you have 48 hours to comply. They will notify you via your email of record. Repeated violations will result in the loss of privileges.
  • If the Independent Business Partner breaches another portion of the P&Ps, the approval may be withdrawn. Through P&P 3.jj. and breach by any member of the household will be viewed as if done by all the Independent Business Partners in the household.
  • Kyäni reserves the right to amend these rules at any time at its discretion.

Email your completed application to your Compliance Team at

Independent Business Partners (IBP) are not permitted to encourage or enroll minors into the Kyäni program (P&P 3.ii). There are no exceptions to this rule. A minor is a person under the age of 18 years old.

A corporation, partnership or trust may apply to be a Kyäni Independent Business Partner (IBP) by submitting its Certificate of Incorporation, Partnership Agreement or trust documents to Kyäni’s Changes Department at, along with a properly completed Business Entity Registration form. If an IBP is sponsored online, the Entity Documents and Business Entity Registration form must be submitted to Kyäni within the first 30 days of online sponsoring.

A Kyäni business may change its status under the same sponsor from an individual to a partnership, corporation or trust, or from one type of entity to another, but will require the normal Change of Ownership process. The Business Entity Registration form must be signed by all of the shareholders, partners or trustees. Members of the entity are jointly and severally liable for any indebtedness or other obligation to Kyäni. Business Entity changes cannot be used to circumvent Change of Genealogy or Change of Ownership rules.

All Business Entity Documents must be emailed to order to be reviewed and processed.

All spouses, domestic partners, or others that are cohabitating in a mutually recognized relationship must be sponsored and placed directly to each other in the same downline (direct in both the sponsor and placement tree). These individuals may not be crossline, nor may they be placed so that another Independent Business Partner (IBP) is between them (P&P 3.f.).

If we have a reason to believe that your household accounts fall under this provision, the company reserves the right to do a Change of Genealogy to place the accounts directly under each other. We will create a new leg under the first in time account.

If you have any Genealogy questions or concerns, please email our Changes Department at:

Kyäni may cancel an Independent Business Partner’s (IBP) account if there are no product purchases for a period of twelve months (P&P 11.b.). We recommend that you keep track of your last purchase date to avoid involuntary cancellation.

A Kyäni IBP who voluntarily cancels their account may re-enroll as a brand new IBP twelve months following the date of termination. Please note that any downline or Customers that were formerly under the IBP prior to termination will not transfer to the new account (P&P 11.d.).

Kyäni Independent Business Partners (IBP) are independent contractors, not Employees (P&P 3.dd.). The agreement between Kyäni and its IBPs does not involve the purchase of a franchise or the purchase of a business opportunity. Future payments are entirely dependent on the IBP’s activity within the company.

Independent Business Partners (IBP) may only operate in officially opened markets (P&Ps 3.j.3.). If IBPs violate this policy and/or foreign laws, this can create issues that make it impossible for Kyäni to open the market. Kyäni holds IBPs personally liable for any unauthorized operations. Please do not use names of unopened countries, territories or regions to advertise Kyäni on your social media accounts or websites.

For more information see Policies & Procedures 3.d., 3.j.3. & 4.b.

Independent Business Partners (IBP) may not use or transmit unsolicited faxes, mass e-mail distribution, unsolicited e-mail, or “spamming” relative to the operation of their Kyäni businesses. For example, you may not go on Facebook to send unwanted promotional messages without the consent or request of the recipient. However, you are free to send promotional communications to those you already have an established business or personal relationship (P&P 3.g.).

Income Claims DOs

Do: share the EU Income Disclosure Statement (
Do: emphasize that reaching your rank took hard work and dedication
Do: state how many hours you spent each week building your Kyäni business
Do: share how much experience you have with the direct selling industry

Income Claims DONT’s

Don’t: post copies of commission checks, or BackOffice screenshots
Don’t: use the word “free” to advertise the Dream Car Program
Don’t: make lavish or unrealistic lifestyle claims
Don’t: offer or imply any guarantee of success by simply following a system